Friday 30 March 2012

The Fat Loss Factor

Fat Loss Factor is a one of a kind weight loss program created by Dr Charles Livingston. His weight loss program shows you a unique weight loss strategy designed to allow you to lose fat, by first cleaning up the liver, then turning it back into the fat burning machine it should be. 

Fat Loss Factor doesn’t involve diet techniques like counting calories and crash dieting that eventually causes the weight loss to backfire which in turn shifts your body into starvation mode.This then causes your body to hold onto any fat you ingest even if the food isn’t bad for you your body will try and clench onto the fat to store it back inside your body basically causing you to gain weight very quickly. 

The Fat Loss Factor doesn’t involve you having to splash out on special or expensive foods, you can even still eat your favourite foods just in moderation.

The Fat Loss Factor diet plan will quite literally prove that other diet programs just do not work long term. Their plan will explain how important the liver is at burning fat and how the best way to be successfully at losing weight is to begin with refreshing your liver and cleansing it to unlock it fat burning potential. 

With Fat Loss Factor, you will be able to lose weight and still eat the foods you want. Fat Loss Factor offers you diet plans that will not only help you lose the weight, but keep it off long term. Adding 15-20mins of exercise 2-3 times a weak really helps to increase your weight loss. 

This diet will give you examples of healthy and affordable foods to eat that will help you lose fat while not bankrupting you like most other "diet foods". You can find the foods suggested by the Fat Loss Factor in your local grocery store. 

The Fat Loss Factor is the best diet I have come across in a long time. I’ve never seen a diet that actually starts with making one of our organs run efficiently and then making you lose weight. I would recommend this diet to people that have tried every other diet and simply wants to start a program that Will work, Will make you feel better and Will keep the weight away! 

Thanks Brendon

Saturday 24 March 2012

Hey guys!!

If you’re new then thanks for coming to my blog :)

Just wanted to write a quick post to update about how things are going so far.

Well the blog has been up for less than a week now and I’ve already had some great feedback from people passing through, I actually received an email through from Sarah McIntosh someone who found my blog from YouTube and used it to go sign up for The Fat Loss Factor diet plan, she said that she had been looking for a honest diet that works yet doesn’t cost a fortune!. Now Sarah has only been on the diet plan for 3 days at the most and already feels better for it!

The diet is all about cleaning the liver and making it efficient in burning fat, so it makes sense that if your liver is healthier then you will feel better too!

Anyway that’s it for now but feel free to email me your success with the program at

Thanks Brendon.

Thursday 22 March 2012

Hey guys thanks for coming to my blog.

If you've come from youtube then i'm assuming you have watched the video so go ahead and get yourself over to The Fat Loss Factor and start your weight loss program now!

To everyone that hasnt seen it then here it is bellow!

Thanks for watching guys, I know it was long but if you have watched it all the way through and your now interested in finally using a program that works then get your self over to The Fat Loss Factor page and scroll past the video and add to cart! 

Thanks again guys Brendon.